Seed and Plant Cuttings Library

What is the Seed and Plant Cutting Library?
The seed library is a free community resource open to all gardeners. You do not have to have a Garden
City Public Library card to use the seed library. A wide variety of vegetables, herbs, and flower seeds are
available. Some organic seeds are available too! Patrons may select up to 10 seed packets per season
and each packet will have enough seeds to grow 5-8 plants.
The plant cutting library works in a similar fashion. Rooted house plant cuttings will be available to the
community and patrons are encouraged to share rooted cuttings of their own. A limit of two cuttings
per patron may be “checked out” per season.

How does it work?
You’ll select your seeds from the card catalog near the entrance to the library and exchange these cards
for seed packets at the circulation desk. You will be asked for your name, phone number, and seeds
taken to be recorded in our log. The same process applies to the plant cutting library too.

Do I have to return the seeds?
For both the seed and cutting library, patrons do not have to return seeds or cuttings. If you do decide
to return seeds at the end of the season, please make sure they have been properly dried and labeled.
We also accept commercially produced seeds as well. For the plant cutting library, please only bring
rooted plants, clearly labeled. We will provide jars.

Why a seed library?
A seed library is an important community resource that supports food independence while also
promoting seed diversity and heritage variety. Seed saving and sharing is a sustainable practice that also
is cost effective and helps local cultivators. It’s also a fun way to try out new varieties!

Questions or Comments?
Please direct any questions to