Renew Checked Out Items

Staff is happy to help you renew the items you have checked out, or you can do it yourself while you are logged in to My Account. Under the menu option Checkouts, you will see a list of items that you currently have checked out. You will see the due dates listed under the Date Due column.

If you want to renew an item, check the box next to the desired items, then click Renew. You can also click Select All, which will renew all the items you have checked out. Once the item is renewed, the new due date will appear letting you know how many times you have renewed the item.  Keep in mind that some items you can renew twice, some once, and some not at all.

Also keep in mind that if the item you are trying to renew has holds on it, you will not be able to renew it all, even if it is the type of item you usually could renew.  This is because our system works to ensure that everyone’s holds are getting fulfilled.