BREAKING NEWS: Garden City Public Library goes FINE FREE!
Here at the Garden City Public Library, we know that life can be busy and sometimes our materials don’t make it back to us on time. Especially facing Michigan weather, we understand not wanting to drive in ice or snow to return your library books. Beginning immediately, the Garden City Public Library will no longer be fining patrons for overdue items. We will also be eliminating any overdue fines for Garden City Public Library items currently on a patron’s record. This means being a few days late will no longer result in overdue fines, you are FREE TO READ!
Libraries are a place open to anyone and everyone. We are all about providing equal access to information. Fines can often stop people from using libraries and getting the resources that they need. Fines also tend to penalize more vulnerable individuals or families who can’t afford them. We want ALL people to be able to use our services without money creating a barrier.
What is the difference between fines and fees?
Fines are a daily penalty for library materials returned late. These will no longer be charged at the Garden City Public Library of 4/10/2019.
Fees are replacement charges for lost or damaged materials and represent a tangible loss to the Library’s collection. Fees are still included as part of our return policy.
What if I have items at home I accidentally kept longer than the due date
If you bring the items back to the Garden City Public Library, we will remove any fines associated with those items.
How will the Library get people to return borrowed materials?
Patrons should make a habit of always returning items on or before the due date. Please be respectful of other patrons who may be waiting for those items to be returned.
We will continue to send reminders three (3) days before items are due, and again if they become overdue. We ask that if you know the item will be late, you renew it online, over the phone, or in person at the Library.
If an item is kept twenty-one (21) days past its due date, the item is considered lost and the patron receives a lost item fee. The item must either be paid for or returned, at which point the fee will go away.
If more than nine (9) items are overdue at a time, a patron’s account will be blocked until the items are returned.
Fines have been waived, so why does my account still have a balance?
While fines are going away, there will still be fees for lost and damaged items. Also, items returned at other libraries may be subject to their return/fines policies.