Guiding Principles
Library Policies
For the consistent and orderly operation of the Library, the Garden City Library Board has approved the following policies:
- ADA Compliance Policy;
- Bulletin Board Policy;
- Cellular Telephone Policy;
- CIPA and Computer Use Policy;
- Collection Development Plan;
- Computer Printing Policy;
- COVID19 Preparedness and Response Plan;
- Dress Code Policy;
- Ethics and Guiding Principles;
- Exam Proctoring Policy;
- Fines, Fees, and Loan Schedule;
- FOIA Procedures and Guidelines
- FOIA Summary
- FOIA Itemized Worksheet
- Gifts Policy;
- Internet Policy;
- Investment Policy;
- Library Expenditures Policy;
- Library Hours and Special Closings Policy;
- Meeting Room Policy;
- Patron Behavior Policy;
- Patron Privacy Policy;
- Pets on Library Grounds Policy;
- Public Relations Policy;
- Reopening Policy;
- Search Warrants and Subpoena;
- Video Policy;
- Volunteers Policy.
The policies of the Garden City Public Library are reviewed on a rotating schedule. The Board welcomes public comment on the policies of the Library. Please use the comment form on our Welcome page to provide feedback. Or put your comments in the box at our front desk.
Process for Changing Policies
Library services are evolving. As they evolve, the Library needs to add new policies and revise existing ones. This is why we scheduled reviews of our policies. We also listen to our residents. Residents suggest new services and comment about Library operations. These suggestions and comments sometimes result in policy changes.
New or Revised Policies
New or revised policies are drafted by the Library Director. The drafts are put on the agenda for the Library Board meeting. After deliberating, the Board may vote on whether or not to approve the draft policies. The decision of is reached by a simple majority vote. Public comment is always welcomed. All Library Board meets in compliance with the Open Meetings Act.
Repealing Policies
Sometimes existing policies appear to be obsolete or irrelevant. When this occurs, the Board has the option to repeal them. The process is the same as for approving new policies. The decision of is reached by a simple majority vote. Public comment is always welcomed. All Library Board meets in compliance with the Open Meetings Act.